Wounded Masculine And Arising Feminine Energies Coming UP For Healing And Revealing

eraoflight twinflamesThere seem to be many themes running in the moment for us to see and BE with as we continue our ascension journey into embodiment of our sacred humanity…not NEW themes, yet more like another cycle around the bend into a deeper level and strata of healing and feeling. One theme is that the wounded masculine frequencies that have formed the foundational energy to fuel our 3D culture are being exposed and disclosed…to be seen, felt, come into the light. They have seemed so powerful, yet, are now running on fumes as the old paradigm structures start to collapse to begin transition into the new.

The wounded masculine runs on compensational behaviors to cover over core feelings of unworthiness and core disconnect/separation. It operates on lack of vulnerability and lack of transparency using diversion and distraction strategies. You can feel and see this in the exposure happening now of false kings in the entertainment industry, government, banking, etc. how they are now being dethroned as their wound-based actions toward the feminine are revealed.

It can be tempting to lash out at this wounded masculine as it is exposed….to feel bitter and resentful, to turn on it. Yet, this outward outrage actually stems from inside and only feeds the fires that can hurt and burn. Going within to feel deep compassion for the wounded masculine WITHIN us is a key aspect to moving through this disclosure process with love. To feel how parts of us have felt like both perpetuator AND victim this life and in other lifetimes too. Not going to battle AGAINST these energies, yet seeing and feeling how, underneath it all, they are just seeking and want love. Being open to the recognition that these energies live inside of us and seem to express as our Inner Protector aspects, plus Inner Punisher and Inner Mother/Matriarch or Inner Father/Patriarch can help huge with this holding and response.

After many years of working with different parts of myself and with others, these are the energy tones that I feel most represent the wounded masculine as conditioned and formed into our 3D self. Working with these masculine energies is what allows the feminine to arise in an authentic way, freed finally from the warrior and overly masculine tones that are NOT hers to hold and energize. As the Inner Protector lets go of its stance of protection through inner negotiation, the feminine (in both men and women) can come into BEing as the seed of her expression receives the water of self love and love with Divine Feminine guides/aspects such as Magdalena, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin. Directly connecting with these aspects through journaling, guided meditation, and ‘dropping into ‘their energy during sessions is what we offer through our SoulFullHeart process. And, then we feel and explore this on the 4D level as the wounded masculine expresses in our Metasoul line/other lifetimes and archetypal frequencies too. More information here about our process for navigating this:soulfullheartwayoflife.com/sfhprocess

There is a deep connection in this collective wounded masculine disclosure process with the dissolving of the 3D matrix created out a fear-based (yet previously necessary for growth) collaboration between us on the soul level and some Reptilians/Archons/Anunnaki. Their wounded masculine-based timeline of dominance and suppression ‘over’ us is collapsing as more of them choose love over fear. The implants and hookups that we previously needed in our soul fields/chakras are loosening or dissolving as this choice point happens.

I have written many times about the choice points they are being offered as a species….relocation to a beautiful, tropical environment planet as they choose redemption and rehabilitation. It seems to be important to support this process by letting go of fear-based and polarized energies against them…this becomes yet another battle ground otherwise (that actually, again, stems from within). Connecting with your inner Reptilian aspect (which can form another layer of Inner Protector) allows for the flow of compassion and to act as ambassador to their choice points toward love with your support.

If you are in a relationship, you may be feeling the stirrings and churnings of this wounded masculine/arising feminine within your relationship. This can lead to more conflicts, disillusionment, and even desires for completion of even long-term relationships. The gaps in your transactability are revealed as what has been able to be covered over can not be anymore. If you have been awakening and your partner has not, resentment from parts of you may be growing around this and, also, authentic desire for more soul resonance, vulnerability, and to service love together (which is ultimately the reason for being in relationship at the higher soul level.) These frequencies of wounded masculine as they live inside of us and are being moved in the collective also play out in our relationships, impacting how we experience our partners, what parts of us are related with each other, and what we project onto them. Becoming conscious of your own parts allows you to navigate the relationship in a very different way with a new level of consciousness and emotional maturity in responding to your partner.

As the wounded masculine continues to transmute and transform into a higher vibrational frequency of sacred masculinity, the possibilities for balance and union between the masculine and feminine become revealed to us. We discover and BEcome this from within and we can then offer this to a world that desperately needs it as it transitions from polarized and fear-based expressions of gender into NEW expressions of a conscious duality dance based in LOVE.


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