The Federation of Light: Thoughts of Victory

gfoleraoflightHello my friends. My body clock is totally out of sorts, along with many of my thoughts it seems! However, so keen to get back chatting with you. So, here I am, trying for the second time since my return, to connect. I feel I have shed my skin and ready for the new me to emerge. Yet, at this juncture I just seem to feel rather vulnerable and insecure.  Is this normal for this time in

Sananda: The Truth Will Set You Free Part 3

sanandaGreetings my brothers and sisters,

Today Adele is at last ready in every way to channel my rather-long, third message in the ‘Truth will set you free’ higher dimensional teaching series we all have planned to create together, in this exact NOW moment. Most of the time, something needs to first ‘happen’ in Adele’s personal/work life to then trigger the next channeled message

Master Kuthumi: Clear – Open – Breathe Through The Shift

master kuthumiI greet you as you prepare your bodies to fully integrate my words. Clear your mind, open your Heart Center and breathe deeply. Now you are able to fully focus. Eighteen years ago a new energy became available to humanity through the Ethers. It was stronger, to create awakening, a finer energy to filter through your Energy Centers. Many began to experience change within, the predicted awakening of humanity was beginning. First came the thought, the wondering, the

Message from Oversoul Collective, Mother God, Sananda: Expansion

Woman praying and free bird enjoying nature on sunset background, hope conceptWe are the Oversoul Collective, assisting in this auspicious time, bridging the gap of dimensions and energy vortices, transmuting and transmitting our codes of upliftment and encouragement for humanity’s great discovery of themselves, of their strength and of their purpose. Their purpose is the discovery of their own inner strength, their own inner light which lights up the darkness, illuminating. You are

Cannabis Doesn’t Increase Suicidal Ideation in Patients with Psychiatric Disorders

cannabis leaf eraoflightIn an article published June 11, 2018 in the Journal of Biological and Sex Differences, researchers from McMaster University have found that there is no association between cannabis use and suicidal behavior in persons with psychiatric disorders.  While the authors acknowledge that more study is needed based on how accessible cannabis is as more states and countries legalize its use, the findings are contradictory to prior