Sheldan Nidle: Reality Shifting

sheldan nidle eraoflightSelamat Balik! We come with more exciting news to discuss with you. After 13 millennia of unopposed control, the Cabal finds itself struggling to adjust to a sudden surge in growth of consciousness. This new element scares them and is truly changing everything. As we reported in an earlier message, a new coalition of forces, to which we refer as ‘the Alliance’, has come together as a most compelling

The Galactic Federation: Inside the Heightened Process of Evolution

eraoflight federation of lightGood-day Beloved ones, We are your friends known as the Galactic Federation. By now many have heard the phase that you are moving inside the ascension process. We at this point wish to add another definition to this phase. You are inside the heighten process of evolution. Yes, you are evolving inside your human form. Expanding your consciousness

Benjamin Fulford Full Report: Kim/Trump Summit

independent media eraoflight.comThe summit meeting this week between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un was preceded by a tidal wave of high-level public and secret diplomacy, because this is no ordinary meeting, multiple sources agree. The summit will not only discuss peace in the Korean Peninsula, but also the future of the financial system and thus the future of the

Mother God and Sanat Kumara: Energy Influx

gods lightGood evening children, it is your Mother God. I am here tonight on this evening of a great energy influx of pure Christed light that is rapidly coming your way dear children, my precious warriors of old. Your services are greatly needed, you know. You are bringing the balance, the anchoring of the light of the Christed codes into dear sweet Mother Gaia, who is a mother to you all, just as am I. She is a highly advanced soul

The Spiritual Powers Of The Gemini New Moon Energy Field

allislove eraoflightDear Friends,
we are by now feeling the energy field of this years New Moon in Gemini getting stronger. This stellar impact will be peaking on June 13th at 22 degree and 44minutes. This physical moon position provides us with a wonderful opportunity for all of us to take a look at the meaning of numerology as well as the impact of vibrations and number sequences on our life on planet earth. The past

World Water Day: 60 Powerful Posts To Make You Think Twice About Leaving The Tap Running

time to wake up eraoflightMore than 650 million people, or 10% of the world’s population, do not have access to safe water, putting them at risk of infectious diseases and premature deatth.

World Water Day is marked on 22 March every year to raise awareness of the water crisis facing much of the world’s population. The UN estimates that more than 663 million people do not have

4 Zodiac Signs That The June 2018 New Moon Will Affect The Most

full moon 7 eraoflightIf you’ve been itching for some change in your life, you may be in luck: a new moon in Gemini rises on June 13, and it also happens to be a supermoon, which means it will be even more intense. A new moon always represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another, and usually comes with positive energy and vibes that give you the motivation to start something different. This new moon