November 2018 Energy Report: Action

gods lightNovember is a month for intentional action as we’ll see old cycles end as new ones begin, big changes in spiritual understanding and awareness, and space created for new energies so we can expand into greater multi-dimensional potentials and realities. November’s keywords are justice and karma with a strong 11-11 vibration, as the 11th month in an 11 year. We haven’t had this kind of energy

The Council: Is it Really Possible to Anchor the Godself Within

ascended beings“Dear Council, I have been walking the spiritual road for many years now and have reached a point where I would love to feel securely in my Godself instead of experiencing passing moments. Is it really possible to anchor the Godself within this physical body while we are still living with “ the veil” as part of our existence in this dimension? How does one break through this veil?”

Energetic Synthesis Update: Adrenaline

brain eraoflightThe adrenal glands are endocrine glands that produce a variety of hormones, and they are most especially known to pump cortisol into the bloodstream when under stress that puts the human nervous system into fight or flight reactions. Adrenaline is normally produced by both the adrenal glands and certain Neurons that can also be activated through emotional responses. Every emotional response has a behavioral component