11-11-11 Gateway of Divine Love

new astrology eraoflightOne of the most powerful gateway being experienced in this sacred year of 2018 is the 11-11-11 Gateway of Divine Love. Through this gateway we experience the next level of Light codes pouring forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and in particular, the Light codes of the Divine Mother and Divine Father and the activation of the Diamond Heart of Purity and Innocence.

Seated within the loving hearts of all awakened Souls upon this sacred earth is the Flame of Divine Love and the Light codes of the Divine Mother, which spirals forth initially through the portal of the Divine Mother in Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca and is held within the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, representing the Universal Womb, and the Temples of Divine Love upon this sacred earth through Mother Mary and the Sisterhood of the Rose. All encompassing, non-individualized, the Light codes of the Divine Mother and the sacred Flame of Divine Love ignites within our loving hearts in each perfect Now moment as we undergo our unique initiations of Light, our perceived challenges and lessons, to know and remember ourselves as Love.

As we come to experience, and then accept and embrace the full range of human emotions, through self-love, self-appreciation and self-acceptance, we release blame and judgment and separate the characters from our unique experiences, thoughts and feelings.
Only then is the Soul embodied through and within our loving hearts and the vibration of Home, of hearing and feeling and Being the Divine Holy Light of Mother/Father God and our Beloved I Am Presence, bestowed upon us as we walk this path of Love.

The Flame of Divine Love, a beautiful Pink-Orange Flame, further takes us into a re-union of hearts within ourselves as we merge and rebalance our own Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Spirits. With this, we find a deepening sense of gratitude and appreciation in all that we experience within our lives as well as greater levels of trust and surrender to the Divine.

However, within this sacred dance, we are collectively healing the wounds of karmic mates and karmic relationships through the 3D timelines whilst holding the Flame of Divine Love. This perceived separation is primarily experienced in relationships between men and women and the “war of the sexes” which we are called upon to heal as we heal our own wounds, and as we deepen into the embrace of Love and Unity, Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, Shakti and Shiva energies. Only then do these lower timelines dissolve and higher dimensional timelines emerge and merge in Unity, compassion, understanding, wisdom and Love.

The Flame of Divine Love has been held through the hearts of the Divine Feminine and primarily through women as the Goddesses, for the Goddess holds the nurturing energy of creation. Whilst many have experienced contentment within this field of Divine Love, seeking only a deeper re-union of their own hearts, the women now hear a call from the Divine Masculine, expressed through the male energy beckoning them to see them, hear them and appreciate them. With this, they send out an invitation to the Divine Masculine to hold the Flame of Divine Love collectively in this re-union of hearts on the inner and outer planes and through the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

For women, we become aware of a desire to reach outside our boundaries, our comfort zones. We seek to ignite the Flame of Divine Love within the hearts of men, knowing this is how we heal the wounds of humanity, the wounds of perceived separation; and it is the men who now step forward to be of service, and to bring into manifestation that which was previously unmanifest ~ a re-union of hearts between men and women and a deepening impulse in releasing the perceived separation between men and women.



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