Montague Keen: Divide and Conquer

wpd4bc9436_06DIVIDE AND CONQUER is yet again being used to destroy humanity. The invaders who entered your Earth a long time ago, use it over and over again to destroy you. All this anger, marching, and shouting from the rooftops, is giving your ENERGY to your oppressors, who will use it to destroy you. This ANGER provides massive energy that is all used against you. You play right into the hands of your enemies, over and over again. They play you like a

Implementing the Galactic Schematics for Higher Evolution Existence

148440839377664As the GUARDIANS OF NEW EARTH start to assemble (more), much continues to go on “behind the scenes”. Human aspects cannot yet fully see this, for they are “cut off” from access, due to their own separation/vibrations still. Other words for “behind the scenes” are “other dimensions”, physical and non-physical ones. For us, they are the same. We do not function

Arcturian Council: The Precipice of The Shift

arc-councilGreetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

Bringing yourselves to this particular point in time has taken quite a bit out of you. You have many scars, many wounds, and carry with you many traumas, but they have all helped you get to where you are today. And where are you

Ashtar: Disclosure

ashtarGreetings Ground Crew on Earth! This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin. How near you are to the end of the Grand Experiment on Earth. Before you came for your mission of grounding the light as Earth ascends you were Suns and Stars, you experimented with the 5 great elements of Earth, Water, Wind, Fire and Cosmic Ether. You interacted with the fairies, dwarves and elvish peoples. You knew the 12 Solar hierarchies governing the

Earth Changes Related Dangers Becoming More Frequent

148555221144974There are many earth changes related dangers and they are becoming more frequent. Videos of recent fireballs show they are quite large with some creating air explosions. How indeed would you plan an escape from these? They are random and fast.

So far, most have landed in underpopulated regions but sooner or later they will find populated towns

Whole and Wholeness

14833793303891Each aspect of your energy is whole and complete because it resonates at your energetic vibration and frequency. You are in wholeness on each step of your healing journey, aligned with the lessons and purpose of your lifetime in each moment. With each shift in energetic vibration, which happens first on the inner planes of consciousness, you feel out of alignment.

All the science ‘fact checking’ in the world can’t change the fact that mercury is toxic

medicineMainstream media coverage of the issue of mercury in vaccines never fails to insist that thimerosal — the mercury-containing vaccine preservative — has been proven safe. Coverage then typically focuses on the issue of vaccines and autism, and further hammers the position that the

Arcturian Group: State of Consciousness

148332134341165Dear ones, in these times of global stress and conflict we remind you of the reality– that all is well and proceeding according to plan. Know that you are actors in a grand theatrical production written and produced by you. The third dimension is not your real home and when you are once again back to your real home you will look on these times as powerful creations necessary to push the awareness of mankind

The Council: Pushing Your Buttons

147302527598636We hear you saying “Something big is happening!” Please know that you are feeling, as one enormous impression, the accumulation of an uncountable number of changes that we have been speaking of for years. As more and more of these changes come to fruition, there will be moments when that feeling will push itself to the forefront of your consciousness.

Mary Magdalene: Embodying Your Ultimate Relationship with the Creator

150123b4e258223bff4de218cec2617aI, Mary Magdalene, come forth with immense love for you and all of humanity. Love is my role, purpose and gift that I wish to give to humanity, inspired by my connection and divine relationship with the Creator. As Ascended Masters upon the inner planes, our service to humanity and the Earth is inspired by our personal connection with and experience of the Creator. Everything that we are and do is inspired by our remembrance of the integration of our soul

FBI Document: We’ve Been Visited by ‘Beings From ANOTHER Dimension’

c0bc8-fbiWhile most people are clinched into a worldwide debate about aliens, discussing UFO sightings in space, on Earth, and the sheer number of whistleblowers who have come forward saying that we aren’t alone in the universe, the FBI has a very interesting document posted on their website.

The Incoming Cosmic Bursts

147787834972579As we move our awareness fully into this dimensional shift we come to a Crossroads in which we stand facing all directions simultaneously. In this place we are asked to enter into the fullness of our self, our soul and our mission. Each one of us is aligned with a different frequency of light, a different star system, a different flavor of life. All together we form a unit of living God.  Even though this unit

Our God-Self: Stand in Your Expanded Heart

14833793303891MY DEAREST ONES! First of all: In the midst of your life, how ever it plays out, do not forget that there is ONLY LOVE. It Is The Basis Of Existence. It Is Me.

Now feel it, merge with this feeling, while your heart widens, becomes soft, your whole body soft, and so your world made soft. Expanded Stillness, EXISTING

The Angelic Guides: You Didn’t Come Here to Struggle

148320770580392You Didn’t Come Here to Struggle: How to Allow With Ease: Today we would like to focus your attention upon the desires that each of you have. There is not a single soul on your world that does not have desires which they wish to manifest for themselves. So often we watch in dismay as you block these desires by creating resistance with your thoughts of doubt, worry and fear. There is a very common

Six Frequencies Used By Ancient Cultures To Heal And Connect To The Divine

soundfrqcyCan sound affect you on more than an emotional level? Sure it can. Sound has a whole level of usefulness that we’re only beginning to discover; from successfully helping us transcend the blood-brain barrier in the medical field, to the noise of certain street lamps putting us on edge, there’s a lot more going on than we really

‘Stop Operation Soros’ – Massive Movement to Overthrow Soros Takes Off in Macedonia

protestsOnly a week after Hungary announced plans to purge all NGO groups funded by globalist progressive mega-donor George Soros, a new global initiative – Stop Operation Soros (SOS) – dedicated to the countering the influential political/social engineering the billionaire activist is now engaged in across the globe through his Open Society Foundations, was announced in

What happens to your body when you use cannabis?

148537773994057Smoking marijuana, i.e. even the first puff, has an almost immediate effect on your brain, heart rate and sense of perception. Marijuana may have long-term effects on health as well, even though claimed otherwise by habitual users.

Marijuana, or cannabis, has an extensive history of traditional uses as a botanical medicine and an industrial

The Arcturians: We Are Your Galactic Family

148332134341165Sue Lie: Hello everyone. I decided today, or maybe I heard today. I’m not sure. Sometimes when we hear from our Higher Self or the Higher Beings, we’re not sure if it’s coming from us, or if it’s coming from them. Actually, that is good, as that is a form of merging – right Shawnna?

Shawnna Donop: That’s true

Saul: Release All Your Doubts, And REJOICE

saulAs you have been told so many times by so many in the spiritual realms, “There is no separation, there is only the One.” Now your scientists have found it to be true, and that everything is connected inseparably to everything else that they are capable of measuring.

They are still having difficulty with the concept that there may be “stuff,” “material,” “consciousness” in the observed universe that exists but which they cannot be