Arcturian Council: Atlantis, Lemuria & the Orion Wars

arcturian council eraoflightdotcomGreetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have begun the process of releasing your oldest and deepest wounds, and you are doing so now because of your readiness to face those fears and traumas. This is a time when you have a tremendous amount of support, and you have the tools and information to help you move through what you are facing with relative ease.

Of course, it is never a walk in the park to deal with the types of tragedies you experienced on Atlantis, Lemuria, and even the Orion Wars. All of you who are incarnate at this time have been a part of the Atlantis and Lemurian civilizations, and all of you played some sort of role in the Orion Wars. To have lived through, or died, during these experiences of such massive destruction and with so many dying around you, it is no wonder that humanity carries trauma from these experiences now, still, to this day.

What you faced during the Orion Wars was darkness like you have never seen before in this universe. What you experienced on Lemuria was betrayal by beings who you thought were your friends, and what you experienced on Atlantis was polarization and fighting amongst people who all had the same common goal. So when you experience darkness, betrayal, and fighting with those closest to you in this lifetime, know that you are doing so to cleanse and clear some very disturbing parts of your history.

The aspects of you that you will integrate as a result will be perfectly suited to help you make it to the fifth dimension. Ultimately, all of this pays off, every little bit of pain that you face and trauma that you clear. We want you to know that we are here for you, the star children are there for you, and there are so many others in between to help support you and love you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.


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