Racially-Charged Instigation Through The Media

etgAmericans must reject the racially-charged instigation pushed through SELLOUT MEDIA owned by the elites

Those in power in America are constantly trying to divide the American people for one very important reason: they know that if we’re weakened and at war with each other, they’ll be allowed to trample all over us without any substantial resistance . The second we unite, band together and stand up to those in charge, they will begin to lose control over us — and they simply cannot let it happen.

As a result, they’re promoting division among the races in response to the murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile and the subsequent killing of five police officers in Dallas, TX. While tensions and emotions are high, the elite-run media is pushing the idea that we should all turn on each other.

This is depressing, disheartening news all around. The fact that innocent police officers were shot as retaliation for the murders of two innocent men — whose deaths they had nothing to do with — is indescribably infuriating. It’s made even worse by the fact that these biased news outlets have reported on the event as if it were a matter of all white people vs. all black people, and that’s just not the case.

We must not give into their desires. We must look past these shameful media reports that attempt to segregate the races and draw a line in the sand. We are all free Americans and we must join together to fight back against injustices — especially those that are pushed by a corrupt government and the societal elites. This country belongs to the people and it’s time to remind the powers that be that we can stand together.

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