Galactic Fields of Light 2018

light shines unveilingGalactic fields of light:

During the beginning 2018 there has been wave after wave of high frequency living light coming into Gaia, as the vibrations raises it creates fields within fields on the earth we are all fluctuating in and out the these dimension, getting used to this id a gradual process.

I am assisting the higher frequencies by grounding and anchoring these pulses of light into earth, it takes me into spaces of different realities; each level of light has its own reality, some of the dimensions are so fine that the only way I can do it is to go into active sleep state and being completely aware of what’s happening.

January and February’s intense quickening of light and re-calibration is moving us forwards, in March in a dream I was adjusting the light quotient that’s coming into Gaia, I could see la large circular object with shell like patterns on it these are the adjustments panels in the 6-12th dimensional space earths light quotient has raised over the last three months to a level where all peoples are altering their D N A.

The equinox brings a massive light flow into Gaia’s core, this happens spontaneously over the seasonal changes, each turn of the planet as she goes round the trajectory will bring in another packet of light quotient into Earths core.

Getting ready for the summer solstice star gate: It is one month to the summer solstice star gate, this is a portal already open and functioning in the in the 3rd D earth, Rae’s guardian’s as living light masters are telepathically asking her to share this information to all others. The message tells of the pure living galactic light frequencies are focused on this time portal ready for all comers to be en-livened by it if they are ready to open, surrender and trust it enough to take it into their lives as positive action. Take a small period of time to sit in nature and breath it in, the tree’s, oceans, rivers, clouds, grass, plants and all wild life, just for a ten minuet break. Feel the power of your love for these and Gaia in your hearts and solar plexus as one core of light, imagine this is opening up and you are surrendering to it with love from within.Once you FEEL this, imagine how Gaia is aligning to this solstice portal and its inter- galactic connection from the Milky Way and Andromeda and receiving living light from the 22 Galactic Diamond Crystal Light coming directly to you galactic centre into your core I.E you hearts and solar plexus.Open up and have the trust to surrender to this light, to accept it, ask for it to be installed in your core through Gaia’s love.You are a being incarnate on Gaia and she needs as many souls as possible to openly bring this light into their hearts.By doing this you are anchoring it into her core for her progress in the process of ascension.WE ARE ALL ONE: Year 2018 is a determining time on earth and this solstice is the opening of this, YEAR ONE! It needs to be anchored, grounded and actualised for this interval of time.The more souls who do this the greater the light: the feeling and energy undulations that you will feel as you do this will bring your field in to YEAR ONE living light.Even if you only have time to do this once over the next six weeks it will make a difference, it is lining every one up for the August 888 Lion Gate that is going to readjust all fields personal and Galactic into YEAR ONE.By the time of the winter solstice it will complete this first cycle, ready for next year.



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