NESARA: What Really Happened


share what you know 2 eraoflightdotcom.jpgLet us consider what happened with the creation of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA). The Act was passed by the United States Congress on March 9, 2000 and then sent to President Bill Clinton for his signature. President Clinton signed NESARA into law on October 10, 2000. At that point NESARA, as with any legislation so acted upon, became a “law of the land”, but wait a minute! No one wanted to enforce it. Why? No one wanted to enforce NESARA because this law required the physical and permanent removal from their government positions of all those, who were treasonous. Those, who had deliberately acted outside the Constitution of the Republic, had committed treason. Those who were treasonous included the United States president and vice president, the presidential cabinet, all members of Congress, various government departmental heads, all fifty governors of the fifty states, judges and others.

You ask, “Why would the United States Congress ever pass a law that would, upon enactment, instantly remove them from public office? On March 9, 2000 in a secret joint session of Congress with the walls of the House Chambers lined with Navy Seals and Delta Force, the United States Congress passed the NESARA law unanimously at gun point under the threat of death. They passed the law knowing full well that there was a plan already in place to forever delay NESARA from being enforced. You ask, “Why would our president ever sign a bill and create a law that would remove him, his vice-president and his Cabinet from public office the moment he signed it?” In the Oval Office on October 10, 2000 President Bill Clinton, surrounded by special forces, at gun point signed the NESARA bill into law, knowing full well that the Illuminati were in charge, and that this law was never to be enforced.

To hide NESARA from public view and, thus, to prevent its enforcement by popular demand, the United States Supreme Court placed a gag order on all public officials, the United States military, law enforcement personnel, bankers, attorneys, judges, the media and anyone else, who knew about NESARA and, who might give information about NESARA to the public. If the people learned the Truth about NESARA, they would demand its enforcement. This could not be allowed. The plan to hide NESARA worked well for a time, but gradually news of NESARA began to be leaked to the public. To circumvent any public action to enforce NESARA, “plan B” was created. The plan was to forever delay the enforcement of NESARA by fooling the people with trickery. NESARA was embroiled in fictitious legal procedures and court orders by both the United States Supreme Court and the International Court of Justice. This game of deceit could be played forever, NESARA could be permanently delayed, and the people of the world would never be the wiser.

To discredit NESARA and spread misinformation a false website was set up by the United States Government under the direction of evil CIA/FBI personnel. Claims were made that there was no such law as NESARA, that it had no congressional file number, no sponsors and was only a thought somewhere under consideration. The public was told through the government websites of and that there never was such a bill, it was never acted upon nor passed by Congress, and that the president had never signed it. Even a fictitious name was given to it under the same acronym, and a fictitious rough draft was posted on the internet to mislead the people. This distorted information from an “official” government website served to mislead and cause doubt for thousands of people.

For the past three years and four months this game of deceit by our treasonous United States Government, United States Supreme Court and World Court judges has continued. On October 10, 2000 NESARA became the law of the land in the United States of America, but it has never been enforced. The story was created that the enactment of NESARA had to happen by an “official” public announcement. Why so? Has that ever been true of any other law passed by Congress and signed by the president? It is all a trick to fool the people.

Of the 40,000 laws passed each year in the United States, how many of them are known by the public? Very few. How many are ever enacted by public announcement? None. Yet, if you should break a law that you know nothing about, you are still held accountable for your ignorance of the law and your actions. Laws are made and become law the instant the president signs the legislation. That is the requirement of the Constitution of the Republic of the united States of America. There are no exceptions.

So, who has been fooled about NESARA? The serious and dedicated White Knights have been fooled. The Dove has been fooled. The NTAT people have been fooled. A and A and Jennifer Lee and D’ Yanna Amrito and Nancy Tate and Bob Towers and Patrick Bellringer have all been fooled. The world’s people have been fooled by the Illuminati and all their stooges. That is the NESARA Lie! These past three years and four months of delay have been only a scam by our government to avoid obeying the NESARA law. All this time the United States Government has been unlawfully in office and conducting unlawful business. They have been constitutionally unlawful since 1933, but now they are playing “double jeopardy”. Since October 10, 2000 we as a nation have been under our original Constitution of the Republic of the united States of America, but we have not realized it. Since October 10, 2000 we have been under common law, but the courts have continued to destroy us with their military law.

For three years and four months the Internal Revenue Service has been eliminated, but we have continued to pay our income taxes right on schedule, because we have been ignorant of the game of deceit being played against us. Since October 10, 2000 we have continued to use fiat money and a worthless credit money system, unable to discharge any debt, while we were lawfully under a gold standard banking system. All this time we should have had our Farm Claim and Prosperity Program money. We have been tricked. WE have been fooled big time, and the darkside is laughing at us.

What proof do I have that what I say is true? The proof is in the banks. Under NESARA the new gold and silver certificate currency was printed and sent to the banks. It is currently being held by the bankers for our use. They have been “sitting” on our money all this time. To lawfully print the new gold currency, NESARA had to have already been enacted. Such information has been purposely with-held from the public. Also, as additional proof, under NESARA the bankers were ordered to have new computer software and data ready for use under the new gold banking system. They have been forced to comply with this requirement of NESARA, but, again, such information is being carefully withheld from the public, due to the gag order. The gag order in itself is a big joke. The gag order was unlawfully created by an unlawful United States Supreme Court to provide an “official” reason why the unlawful public officials can’t talk about NESARA. The gag order was done to stop the Truth, to stop NESARA from being known. No public official or media person or banker or judge or lawyer or military person wanted to tell you that he or she was a part of the plot to hide NESARA, to delay NESARA, to stop NESARA forever. None wanted you to know that they were your enemy.

My friends, think about it. Had NESARA been enforced on October 10, 2000, President Bill Clinton and our entire treasonous government would have stepped down at that time. The banks would have been changed to a gold system and the Farm Claims and Prosperity Programs would have been paid. What a difference for good that money could have made. There would have been no 9-11 disaster! There would have been no Iraq war! There would have been no Patriot Act I, no Patriot Act II, no unlawful George W. Bush election and no George W. Bush administration. All that has happened to you in the past three years and four months would have been vastly different. We have been tricked big time! What will it take to wake us up? Will it take another war with Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, or North Korea? Will it take Patriot Act III? Will it take World War III? How long will we remain asleep and oblivious to the NESARA Lie? When will we as a people say “enough?”


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14 Replies to “NESARA: What Really Happened”

  1. L Price

    PA, you have the history 100% right. What happened on 9/11, an inside job just like JFK, MLK and RFK, was done for 3 reasons. 1. To stop the announcement of GESARA/NESARA. 2. To blame it on a country they wanted to go into war with as to gain control of that countries assets, which ended up in war with all middle east countries for same reason. 3. The GOLD was held in tower 7. While our eyes were on the towers that imploded the Bush family robbed tower 7 of all the gold. Who oversaw tower 7? Well Melvin Bush did. Gee, a family affair. Then tower 7 imploded and blamed on the heat from the already downed towers. Ppl we have been spoon fed lies for generations. Now who can tell me what happened to us in 1933? Hint, has to do with who owns you and your birth certificate. 9/11 can’t be undone. It’s history. But you sure can do deep research and find out.
    I do believe in some ways NESARA is happening. Think about how many countries had to sign on to a peace Treaty. As soon as Trump was in office did you notice all the countries he went to? I’m 67, retired and on Medicare. What they have added this year is unbelievable. To me that is NESARA. Ppl need to be understanding this stuff b/c the banks, courts, attorneys, utilities, everything in that all caps NAME is continuing to steal your money!!!!!

  2. Esther Cook

    If this was passed at gunpoint, it is VOID. If the Prez signed it at gunpoint it is NULL. But when the people learn about it in sufficient numbers AND comprehend its workability, we will MAKE it effective. This is happening, and I believe nothing can stop it.

  3. Patrick G

    I’m on the fence about NESARA/GESARA. As much as I want this to be real, the awakened community seems to be divided on whether NESARA/GESARA is real or not. Some say it’s all a hoax or distraction. Others say it’s in play right now and great changes are taking place as we speak. So I can’t make heads or tails of this.

    1. Kate

      I am with you. This has been “predicted” for many years. I came to the conclusion, if it happens, Great. If not, just keep on enjoying life. DId you happen to watch Mr Robot on Netflix? The ending was pretty incredible

      1. David

        It’s from a book written in the early 90s. I have not read the book, but the author of the book says these conspiracies distort his message.

        1. Kate

          Yes, I did watch Mr Robot. I was pulled in to the story line! It was suspensful at times. I still see the Hackers den with all the hackers doing their thing. All the phones alerting people. Sure would be awesome if that did happen!

  4. Knowbody

    All that NESARA speaks of is in full affect!

    The Rainbow Currency is alive and well!
    See Yemchain(dot)com and Cryptorank(dot)online to verify!


  5. PA

    Nice summary, but I am INCREDULOUS at what you have missed: Yes, the law was signed by Bill Clinton in October 2000 – but like any law, it had a date upon which it is to be enacted. In this case, the law was supposed to take effect at 10AM on SEPTEMBER 11, 2001. There were staff in the Pentagon preparing and putting together the over 2,000 hard copies of the law for distribution to Congress. Well, guess what? The towers were ‘hit’ (i.e., controlled demolition) at 9AM. The supposed ‘plane’ that hit offices where those copies were being compiled was in fact a missile, so no hard copies could be found. Get the picture yet?

  6. Jeanette J Stark

    Check out when we became a Cooperation instead of a Republic. Then for NESARA/GERSARA to be put into play the entire world had to be changed not just the USA. It sounds great but I have little faith in its success because most of mankind is selfish and apparently ignorant always wanting more and to lazy to work for it. We have a generation or two that has been GIVEN everything and now they expect it to continue, NEVER BEING SATISFIED.

  7. Mark daly

    Well some of us just found out in the last year about this but we have know that things were not right for many years but it is wring everywhere. And how do you pinpoint where to start to change things.
    I am glad its starting to change now

