“Bernie Is A Sellout”

bs‘Bernie is a sellout’: Sanders supporters blast him for endorsing Hillary Clinton

Sanders supporters have launched a backlash against the former Democratic presidential candidate after he officially endorsed his opponent, Hillary Clinton, for president.

The Vermont senator appeared with Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, at a campaign event in New Hampshire and endorsed her while she stood by his side.

“Hillary Clinton will make a great president and I am proud to stand with her today,” Sanders said.

A tirade of disappointed and angry comments poured in online as Sanders made his speech, with many feeling cheated and used by the self-described “democratic socialist.”

Some commenters called Sanders’ turnaround disgusting and said it had pushed them to consider moving their support to the Republican party.

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump also chimed in, accusing Sanders of selling out.

Hillary Clinton thanked her former rival for the endorsement, highlighting his contribution to fighting injustice.

Sanders had been reluctant to bow out of the race but had changed his sentiment in recent weeks, insisting that the most important thing now was to defeat Trump and elect Clinton.

Meanwhile, Sanders posted a comment to his Twitter page, saying the focus must now be to see through a Democratic platform and a Clinton presidency.

The remarks are a sharp turnaround from his previous opinions of Clinton, who he once said was “not qualified to be president.”

The post was met with a barrage of critical comments as Bernie Sanders quickly shot his way up to the top of US Twitter trends, with #SelloutSanders, #ByeByeBernie and #NeverHillary among the hashtags being used.
