Trump Warns Of ‘Four more years of civil unrest’ If Hillary Wins

rthyTrump warns of ‘four more years of civil unrest’ if Hillary wins and says America has ’11 cities potentially in a blow-up stage’ – as Indiana governor calls him ‘a fighter, a builder and a patriot’ in his VP tryout.

• Donald Trump’s Indiana campaign rally Tuesday night was his last before the Republican National Convention
• He warned that a President Hillary Clinton would plunge the U.S. into ‘four more years of civil unrest’ of the kind that followed officer-involved shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota
• ‘The police are not just part of our society. The police are the best of our society,’ Trump said
Drew parallels between tough community policing and take-no-prisoners terror-fighting: ‘We’re not closing Gitmo. We’re going to fill it up’
• Indiana Gov. Mike Pence had his VP audition, a brief but passionate speech, but Trump played coy about his plans
• ‘I don’t know whether he’s going to be your governor or your vice president. Who the hell knows?’ Trump joked
• Donald Trump said Tuesday night that if Hillary Clinton wins the November election, America will be plunged into ‘four more years of civil unrest’ of the kind that has gripped inner cities since last week.

Trump claimed during a campaign rally in suburban Indianapolis that America’s enemies smell weakness in a society that accepts race riots in the wake of police-involved shootings and the murder of police officers.

‘We have our cities exploding. We have ISIS looking at us,’ he said of the aggressive protests that have consumed cities in Texas, Louisiana and Minnesota.

‘The other night you had 11 – think of it! – 11 cities potentially in a blow-up stage,’ Trump told a crowd of thousands in the town of Westfield.

‘Marches all over the United States. And tough marches. Anger. Hatred. Hatred! Started by a maniac that some people asked for a moment of silence for him – for the killer! For the killer, okay?’
Trump also forecast years of leftist urban rage if Hillary Clinton defeats him in November.

‘It will be four more disgusting years of Obama,’ he said. ‘It will be four more years of weakness. It’ll be four more years of civil unrest.’

Trump drew parallels between his vision of tough community policing and a take-no-prisoners approach to fighting terrorism.

‘They don’t have a clue how to beat ISIS,’ he said of Clinton and the Democrats. ‘They don’t have a clue.’

He added minutes later that that toughness would extend to reversing the Obama administration’s goal of closing the U.S. military detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

‘We’re not closing Gitmo,’ Trump vowed. ‘We’re going to fill it up.’

Trump’s rally, the final such event planned before the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, served as a running-mate audition for Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who introduced him on stage after the pair co-hosted a fundraiser in Indianapolis.

Pence called Trump ‘a fighter, a builder and a patriot’ who has the potential to inspire ‘like no other American leader in my lifetime since Ronald Reagan.’

‘Hillary Clinton must never become President of the United States of America,’ he said, to home-turf cheers.

And in a nod to the 2012 Benghazi terror attacks that have formed the basis for countless Republican attacks on the former secretary of state, Pence said: ‘We don’t need a president who took 13 hours to send help to Americans under fire and after four brave Americans fell, said, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”‘

‘Anyone who ever said that, anyone who did that, should be disqualified from ever being commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States of America.’

Pence’s tryout followed similar appearances in North Carolina and Ohio by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

The billionaire real estate tycoon played coy as rumors percolated of an imminent announcement and a public appearance on Friday with the veepstakes winner.

Trump joked at the end of his speech that when Indianans want to reach him in the White House, ‘you’ll be calling up Mike Pence. I don’t know whether he’s going to be your governor or your vice president. Who the hell knows? … but you’re gonna call him and you’re either gonna say “Governor” or “Vice President” – “Please, please speak to Mr. Trump”.’

Trump’s ice-breaker was a lengthy statement about the Dallas police murders – ‘these were great, great people,’ he said – and the shooting deaths of two men that preceded them.

‘The police are not just part of our society. The police are the best of our society,’ Trump instructed.

‘They represent our highest ideals, our greatest values and our most noble characteristics,’ he added.

‘When our police are attacked, our entire nation is attacked. … So the message must be delivered clearly for all to hear: The hostility against our police has to end, and it has to end right now.’

Trump paid brief notice to the deaths of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and of Philando Castile in suburban St. Paul, Minnesota, without naming them or directly confronting the claims that racial bias was at the root of officers’ decisions to fire their weapons in both cases.

‘The two people that were killed in Louisiana and Minnesota, it was tough. It was tough to watch. For everybody here, it was tough to watch,’ Trump said.

‘We have to figure it out. We have to figure out what’s going on. Was it training? Was it something else?’ he asked, seeming to lean toward alonger discussion along color lines.
