St. Germain: America’s Destiny

civilflagAmerica’s Destiny!

In the book “Unveiled Mysteries” by Godfre Ray King, St. Germain said, “…She was a Land of Great Light ages ago, and will again come into her spiritual heritage; for nothing can prevent it…” (Continue to Hold the Light! Huldah Berry)

“…At the time of this former civilization the whole empire was filled with great peace, happiness and prosperity. The King-Emperor was a Master of the Ancient Wisdom and a real Cupbearer of the Light. He ruled by that Light, and his empire was the living example of Perfection.

“For hundreds of years,” Saint Germain continued, “this perfection was maintained without army or navy of any kind. The control of the people was vested in the care of 14 Ascended Masters of Light, two working on each of the Seven Rays. They thus formed points of focus for the Mighty God Activity to be made visible. Under these 14 Luminous Beings were 14 lesser Masters who formed the heads of seven departments controlling the activities of science, industry and art. Each of the department heads guided the work under his care by conscious and direct contact with the God in himself. Hence, direct from their Source, did all direction and instruction come for those under them; thus Divine Perfection was constantly flowing through without any interference from the human.

“This form of government was most remarkable, successful, and satisfactory in every way. There has never been anything like it on earth since that time which has even approached such heights. In the ancient records that have come down to the present day, this former civilization is always referred to as the Golden Age, and so it was in every activity of Life.

“In your beloved America in the not-so-far-distant future will come forth a similar recognition of the Real Inner Self, and this her people will express in high attainment. She is a Land of Light, and her Light shall blaze forth brilliant as the sun at noonday among the nations of the earth. She was a Land of Great Light ages ago, and will again come into her spiritual heritage; for nothing can prevent it. She is strong within her own mind and body — stronger than you think’ and that strength she will exert to rise out of and throw off from border to border all that weighs heavily upon her at the present time.

“America has a destiny of great import to the other nations of the earth, and Those who have watched over her for centuries still watch. Through Their protection and Love she shall fulfill that destiny. America! We, the Ascended Host of Light, love and guard you. America! We love you.

“A similar form of perfect government will come at a later period when you have cast off certain fetters within that hang like fungi and sap your strength as a vampire. Beloved Ones in America, be not discouraged when the seeming dark clouds hang low. Every one of them shall show you its golden lining. Back of the cloud that seems to threaten the Crystal Pure Light of God and His Messengers, the Ascended Masters of Love and Perfection, watching over America, the government, and her people. Again I say, ‘America” We love you.’

One by one, great awakened souls are coming forth who will become clearly conscious of their own mighty, inherent God Power, and such as these will be placed in all official positions of the government. They will be more interested in the welfare of America than in their own personal ambitions and private fortunes. Thus will another Golden Age reign upon earth and be maintained for an aeon.

Excerpt from Unveiled Mysteries
by Godfre Ray King (St. Germain Press)
