Father God: Accessing Your 5th Dimensional Self

starflash eraoflightMy beloved children,

It has been a few months ever since Adele channeled her last message from me and rapid personal growth have transpired for a lot of people during this short time. As a group, especially all of you who have been closely following our higher dimensional discourses here, you are now ready to move forward in greater

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: The Akash

mike quinsey eraoflightI believe our curiosity about our past is now being covered by some recent messages, as it seems that now we have passed the marker of 2012 we are considered ready and more evolved to accept and understand more about our past. As we are now on the path to Ascension we certainly expect to become more enlightened. We have been held back for many

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council:

mira pleiadianGreetings, I am Mira. We come to you today to share from the Earth Council of which I am a member.

There are many comings and goings with the Galactic’s and earth beings. The Ascension plan is in full activation. Every moment is being used to fulfill the mission. We take it seriously. Just like you, the Lightworkers, we are dedicated to having this be the most successful Ascension ever

Divine Council of Overseers: New Moon in Virgo 9/9/18

thebluerayThe New Moon on Sunday September 9th, 2018 at 3:01pm ADT ~ is an AUSPICIOUS Portal for your expansion of consciousness and ALIGNMENT for you with you and YOUR Eternal Self. This eternal self…BEING in its Original State, is ALL Levels of abundance NOW. AS ~ you as your expanded GOD Self is not separate from anything

Voters in Mid-Term Elections Report Watching Their Ballots Mysteriously Switch to Other Candidate

eol independent newsSavannah, GA — A rather shocking, but not surprising report this week out of Georgia reveals the unsettling state of America’s election and voting system. Voters in Georgia are now reporting that after they confirm their votes, they watch on the screen as their ballots mysteriously switch to the opposite candidate

The Spiritual Influence Of The Virgo New Moon Energies

full moon eraoflightDear Friends,
on September 9th we will be collectively experiencing a New Moon at 16 degrees and 59 minutes in the zodiac sign of the Virgo. This New Moon event is bringing a particularly grounding and earth orientated energy field into our world, helping us anchor all the I AM light and intense insights we have generated

Thicken And Regrow Hair, Eyelashes And Eyebrows With Castor Oil; Works Wonders

mother nature is the cure eraoflightMother nature truly holds the cure to all ‘imbalances’ that we may be facing.

Castor oil is often overlooked for its benefits for the skin and hair because of its extremely thick and sticky consistency. However, if you’re looking for a cheap, natural remedy for several

5 Good Reasons You Should Avoid Fluoridated Water

eraoflight healthy you and worldFluoride was originally added to water supplies back around the time of the end of World War II, but this well-intended practice to improve dental health is still around today, and more and more people are recognizing the possible dangers. Certainly, a lot of people out there will tell you there’s no problem with fluoridated water, but these people are