The Council: YOUR Power

14734718247504William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, has attempted to give us some idea of the magnitude of the spiritual being that each of us are in our true, non-physical state of existence. I felt that this particular quote might be a good example. As I have mentioned before, The Council attempts to paint pictures in the mind’s eye because our vocabulary is not sufficient to explain the infinite in finite terms.

The Council: An example: you have all seen an explosion of an atomic bomb, that is barely a flick of your eyelash in power that you, you alone, have. One fleeting thought could destroy or create all the universe that man has, each of you, in less than a fleeting thought in your truest existence. The magnitude of your own being is so tremendous that there are no physical words to describe. If all the suns in the universe were gathered together in one central spot, that would hardly be a breath from the true power that you have, and look at what you have done to yourself. You cannot even comprehend in words one speck of your totality. No example that we give you will you be able to comprehend, and that is just you, just each of you; now the Divine is a Being that is far, far greater than you. In comparison, you are less than a flick of the eyelid, and it was your refusal to accept this Divine life, your refusal to move ahead to create in a forward motion, your refusal to continue to create in awareness, you took it upon yourself to see fit to having to prove it to a lesser form that was created for your use.

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