Mike Quinsey 6/2/2017

mikequinseyMatters are progressing well and the Illuminati can no longer dictate the course of Humanity’s progress towards Ascension, or prevent it from taking place. Meanwhile many aspects of the preparations for it have been completed, including the most important need for a new U.S. Congress that is ready to take over immediately the present one is dissolved. As you can imagination

Baldor: You Are The Fore-Bringers of the Dawn of Light

baldorThis morning my dear ones, I have a message for you that derives its substance from a condition that is serving all of you to bring the curtain down on the activities of the dark agenda. With these changes that are taking place there is every reason to believe that there is to be an acceleration of the activities of the darkness, and the subsequent elevation of the balance between

Seven Most Frequent Synchronicities

third eye chakraLife is full of coincidences. A good number of these coincidences are referred to as synchronicities. Their occurrences are undefined but they do happen. Synchronicities have their meaning related to each other. Although they are related, the cause cannot be explained. Synchronicities are real and must happen. Never should you fear if you happen to be a victim-you

Archangel Michael: Relationships And Your Sacred Union

aa michaelBeloved masters, the refined frequencies of the New Age are having a profound effect on how you view yourselves. As you learn to take back your power, set boundaries, and reclaim a sense of self-worth, it will also have an intense effect in your relationships with others, especially romantic relationships.

In the past, you have had many

Yeshua: When You Truly Open Your Hearts All That Is Unloving Falls Out

sanandaHumanity’s awakening process continues to accelerate, and for many this is very unsettling, even disturbing. The pace of technological change worldwide has increased enormously over the last one hundred and fifty years, and is continuing to do so in an exponential curve, and again, many are wondering how long this can continue and how people will be able to cope with it.  You have experts