Twinflames Part 2: Realignment

era of light twinflamesAfter the stage of recognition, there will be a sort of Realignment stage, where you are regaining your footing in your understanding of what is occurring, or what has occurred. This Twin Flame interaction can be a lot to understand and absorb and it can take days, or weeks or months to understand what is happening. More insights will come to you during this stage as reasons for things that have occurred become clear. You will be identifying and noticing synchronicities from the event and forward from the event. Many of the Twin Flames will be led or inspired to find or study Twin Flame concepts in order to grasp what is happening. This is a good thing for those of you who do it. This is a time of taking in new information and making sense of things to allow realignment to occur. We cannot say how long this stage lasts and this stage will be overlapping other stages in most cases. For, you are always taking in new information and realigning yourselves into becoming and understanding with more clarity. The key to this stage is to allow yourself to believe in the connection. Not allowing yourself to believe that what is happening is real, will keep you in a state of confusion. Your heart center must be allowed to open and and make decisions. You cannot develop the heart space and enter into new stages of transformation if you are holding back the heart space and deferring the majority of your thought to the mind and logic based thinking mechanism. You must become heart centered and learn how to feel and from there, you must learn to believe what you feel. You must allow the heart space to make the decisions and defer to it for guidance. This is what it means to be heart centered and this is the key to being able to use your guidance and remain in a state of love which is an essential part of moving through all of these stages.


After you have figured out the significance of this person in your life and what it means to you, there is a stage of love that occurs. We would like to call it the Swooning stage, because the both of you have recognized each other, you have established that the connection is real and electric and significant and your eyes are big with wonderment in the absorption of all of this love that you are coming to know. This stage can overlap other stages as well. It is a glimpse into the Twin Flame Union and this is the stage that occurs just before the next stage, which we will call the separation stage.

We want you to see these stages as you understand the different dimensions. They exist simultaneously and overlap each other. You exist in the third dimension and in other dimensions simultaneously and the same will be true with these stages. They are not really stages, they are states of being that occur as part of the Twin Flame experience. It is possible to move about these states of being in the same way that you can navigate through the dimensions. You must decide where you will reside in order to stay there and the more intention that you can conjure, the greater ability you will have to reside in the state of being that you wish to reside in. This is how you can pass through the different stages and into the states of being that are desired, by knowing that you can and simply doing it. We know that you see limitations, but we do not. We see that the truth is that the only limitations you have are the ones that you set for yourself and you can move through them just as swiftly as you can move through the dimensions. The two are interconnected. Higher states of being are equal to higher levels of consciousness (higher dimensions). Higher levels of consciousness bear truths that are congruent with moving through the difficult states of the Twin Flame process. When you raise your level of consciousness it will be easier for you to move forward into the state or stage that you wish to be in. The way that you accomplish this is by being centered in your heart space. Being in touch with your heart space and making decisions from there is a product of coming into a higher level of consciousness and navigating yourself from the perspective of higher dimensional realities. This is what is needed in order for you to move through the stages. The whole point of the Twin Flame process is really a mission. This is why we are so dedicated to this work with you, because it is part of our mission to help you with yours. Higher states of being are required of you now and all of you finding yourselves in the Twin Flame process have chosen to be on the front line and to evolve so that you may come to understandings that require you to be heart centered. We are all raising the consciousness of the Planet, one Union at a time. There is life mission involved here. Life would not be fun without purpose, so all of you have great purposes here. Because being in a human body can make it difficult to see truths, you must sometimes undergo pain in order to seek truth. This is the only reason there is pain in the process of growth and this is the reason that all of you are growing so fast as part of the Twin Flame experience. The more pain that you are in, the more that you will call forth and seek truth. The truth is that you are love. So to escape pain, you must find truth, which is love. Growth is the point. The sooner that you really decide, and dedicate yourself to the embodiment of love, the sooner pain will leave you, you will grow and you will fulfill your purpose. In order for you to fulfill your purpose fully, the Twin Flame Union must occur at some point. Therefore, if you are doing your purpose truly and faithfully, there will be a point in which you can no longer continue to grow and fulfill that purpose unless you reunite with your Twin Flame. Since the Universe is supporting those of you, who are in alignment with fulfilling your purpose, with all of the tools that you need to continue doing your purpose, your Twin Flame is simply one of those tools and will come to you at the precise time that they become the next tool that you will need in order to continue on your path of growth, awakening and Illumination.

Part 3

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