The Team: Understanding The Timeline Split

spiral starSo much is happening right now. The moment we feel that we have gotten our footing from one energy event, another one is on its heels. The end of July and the month of August are jammed packed with amazing events that have the ability to really shake things up. The is all happening to push us beyond our perceived limits and to clear out all that cannot be held in the higher

God’s Message: When You Are in a Field of Daisies

heavenlettersYou already are above all the world. You don’t have to set yourself above the world. I speak to everyone. Wherever you may be, you are My Child, thus, you are My Child of the Universe. You can even be happy. You can even be happy where you may not have chosen to be. No doubt, Life is a School. In terms of the world, you are unique. You don’t have to put forth

Jesus: Your Human Form Can Block Love or Allow It

sanandaAs Saul has told you, enormous changes are underway for all of humanity and for Planet Earth. These changes are an essential part of humanity’s awakening process, of becoming truly aware that all are One, One with Source, Mother/Father/God, the divine Intelligence, the divine Wisdom, All That Is. There is no separation! Separation is an illusory concept that was imagined

Benjamin Fulford Full Report: The Road to Rome Leads Through Mecca and Jerusalem

benjamin fulfordThe rogue states of Saudi Arabia and Israel are under massive attack from a Russian, Chinese, Pentagon and Iranian alliance and will have no choice but to surrender. It is only a question now of when, not if. When these rogue regimes surrender, their leadership is going to be forced to expose who gives them their orders and they will point to Rome and the black sun worshippers